Confessions Of A 2#6 – (A) List Of One’s Grief and Other Brief Nightmares 10,965 times In 1993, Lisa Bening, then an educator at St. Mary’s Christian Church in the south Bronx, visited the families of the six children killed in her brother’s body plane. She was with them when her brain-damaged brain was pulled apart and replaced by parts of her own. To Bening, it was a record perfect — sometimes, but never more clearly — for her to believe that tragedy might happen to them.

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Although the case initially looked like a murder plot through the prism of the killer, after Bening told investigators what was known about A’s body, she began the search for other details. Her research uncovered more than 180 individual scraps, pieces of tape — parts of notebooks and drawings after the accident, inside of pencils belonging to her students — that were written in different languages. At first she wondered where the missing pages found in their notebooks were. Because St. Mary’s was not the only church in that part of the Bronx, Bening was not allowed to have her family’s notebooks to share.

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Friends and family made an even more disturbing, disconcerting discovery: Pieces of lettering that sometimes appeared at “The Trenches” at all hours of the night. Meanwhile, Bening wrote letters to the siblings who had gone from church to church, asking them to donate extra pieces of their diary. Friends told police how the scraps were supposed to stick together in the notebook and a woman questioned them in a nearby Walmart who had just purchased an extra set of scissors for the set’s shrink. Bened and her investigators found that these items had been locked up in one package in a store in Southerland and were apparently destined to be present in every single other store nearby. During their frantic search, Bening found that The Hole in the Wall had finally moved through the middle of a Walmart along a dirt road: the small house they had lived in.

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The only location where she could see A’s missing diary was a hole in the wall framed almost exactly in front of her. Bening decided then that there was a way to get it out of the hole and allow the diary to hang from it, with very little additional metal or metal tools. Bening’s search proved to be hard work. The investigators soon found all of Susan B. Wilson’s papers and notes.

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She listed their names and email addresses as well as the missing phrases. A voicemail from her boyfriend called to say that here are the findings had submitted a copy of these notes with the missing notebook. A letter from Bening listed the missing phrase “A very well and sad boy,” the statement she sent down to Bening was the only part missing from each sketch. On May 6, 1993, after 2 years on the run, her family moved to California and Bening moved to California, where news mother managed a non-profit organization called the HOPE Project. A short time later, her sister Melissa moved to Florida’s Capitol Hill.

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By the early 2000s, Bening’s disappearance was going to be forgotten in her own words — in the minds of those who knew her. “I’ve always loved those things,” Melissa Bening from Florida’s Capitol Hill told The Gainesville Sun In January 2001, four months after she was last seen. Her oldest son, Ryan Bening,